Turn feeling stuck into
playing guitar freely.

Join hundreds of guitarists reading ‘The Hi Guitar Letter’—actionable tips straight to your inbox, every Saturday morning, for free!

Here is how I can help...

… If you let me.

#1 Download all my tabs for FREE

Gain access to my full tab library. The best: Every PDF in there links back to its video lesson on YouTube. Enjoy!

#2 Read 'The Hi Guitar Letter' for FREE

Join hundreds of guitarists reading ‘The Hi Guitar Letter’—actionable tips straight to your inbox, every Saturday morning, for free!

#3 Join 'The Spark'— Save $228

Go from beginner to intermediate guitarist in 5 stages. Join us in ‘The Spark’!

Who Is This Guy?

I don’t know. Let him speak.

Hi, I'm Florian,

Just a passionate guitarist since 2004, with (almost) two decades of teaching experience and two degrees in music education.

I’m the go-to guy for guitar players who…

Feel trapped in a loop of tutorials, courses, and gear, yet still sound the same as they did a year ago.

… Want to fully understand and master the guitar but don’t know where to start.

Realize it’s time to stop struggling alone and start making meaningful progress.

Since 2007, I’ve empowered guitar players to turn challenges into victories, giving them the tools to play freely and creatively—and ultimately, fall back in love with their guitar.

Still loving it!

Have A Seat. Tune Up. Get Inspired.

You’ll probably learn a thing or two about guitar playing, too.