Pick up Any Guitar. Never Stop Playing.

Join hundreds of guitar players getting inspired every Saturday morning reading The Hi Guitar Letter (bringing 1 beginner/intermediate video lesson including tabs to your inbox). For free!


Who Is This Guy?

I don’t know. Let him speak.

Hi, I'm Florian,

Just an earthling obsessed with guitar since 2004, with a bag full of teaching experience since 2007, and 2 degrees in music & music education in my pocket.

I’m the guy they come to when they…

… Watch YouTube tutorial after tutorial, try course after course, buy guitar after guitar, but they still play like 1 year ago.

… Want to get from beginner to intermediate, but they don’t know how.

… Feel they’ve wasted enough time trying to figure it out by themselves.

Since 2007, I’ve guided guitarists from beginner to intermediate giving them just the right know-how without burying their creativity.

Still loving it!


Here is how I can help...

… If you let me.

In 2007, my friend Stefan asked me to take over his guitar teaching job. Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of guitarists avoid this vicious downward spiral: Beginner teaching themself -> no structure -> no progress -> no motivation -> giving up on guitar.

Are you going down this spiral, too? Let me help. The Spark is closed for enrollment till December 1st 2024. Get on the waitlist now.

I can’t wait to see you inside! Florian

the spark logo

From Beginner To Creative Intermediate Guitarist

Do you plan to hop around guitar tutorials forever? How about we get you from stuck at the beginning to having all skills needed to play guitar freely and creatively.

Closed for enrollment till December 1st.
Get on the waitlist to be among the first to get in!


Have A Seat. Tune Up. Get Inspired.

You’ll probably learn a thing or two about guitar playing, too.