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August 10, 2024

Florian Kockott

HG23: Is your rhythm good? This will tell…

Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the exercise (nor by it looking easy to do).

This is a powerful metronome exercise you can do at any level and with whatever you want to play.

It’s one of these exercises you’ll come back to time and time again throughout your guitar life. Enjoy!

This beginner lesson features…

… 1 simple metronome exercise.

… 1 simple strumming pattern.

… 2 nice chords.

You can download the tabs by clicking here (search for ‘HG23 – Is your rhythm good? This will tell…’).

Download it. Print it. Use it.

In this video, you can listen to the exercise, you can watch me play it, and I’ll teach you through it:

And here is everything else you need to know. Enjoy!

📈 Difficulty

2/10 (This gives you a rough idea of how difficult it is. If you feel it’s actually easier, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

⏰ Time Estimation

15 Minutes (This is a rough estimation that can vary widely. If you’re faster, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

💪 Action Steps

  1. Decide on what you want to play to test your rhythm. Start easy.

  2. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘1 2 3 4’.

  3. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘1 3’.

  4. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘1’.

  5. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘2 4’.

  6. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘2’.

  7. Play it along with a metronome clicking on beats ‘and and and and’.

✏️ Extra Tips

  • When working with a metronome, treat it like a band member. It’s an exceptionally stubborn band member, but still, you want to groove together. The click becomes part of the music.

  • Spend a while on each of the action steps 2-7.

  • If you can’t hear if you do it correctly, record yourself. Listening back to it, you’ll hear it much better.

  • First, turn up the volume of your metronome. You want it loud and clearly. You can turn it down for an extra challenge later.

  • If you can’t seem to play along with the metronome at all, tap the rhythm. This way you can fully focus on your rhythm and the click.

🎯 Encouragement

You can do this! I’ve never ever met anyone with a hopeless internal sense of rhythm. As long as you can clap 4 times straight, you can do this, too. It might take a moment, but it’s worth your time by 100. Enjoy!

Talk soon,

Florian from Hi Guitar

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Who Is This Guy?

Just an earthling obsessed with guitar since 2004, with a bag full of teaching experience since 2007, and 2 degrees in music & music education in my pocket.

I’m the guy they come to when they…

… Want to get from beginner to intermediate, but they don’t know how.

… Watch tutorial after tutorial, try course after course, buy guitar after guitar, but they don’t get better.

… Feel they’ve wasted enough time trying to figure it out by themselves.

Since 2007, I’ve guided guitarists from beginner to intermediate giving them just the right know-how without burying their creativity.

Still loving it!

Here is how I can help (if you let me):

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