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July 27, 2024

Florian Kockott

HG21: Hammer-Ons & Pull-Offs in Fingerpicking

In this lesson, we’ll have a close look at hammer-ons and pull-offs (specifically when used in fingerpicking).

You’ll learn exactly how to execute them. Plus, a piece of music dedicated to the topic will serve as the application. Enjoy!

This early intermediate lesson features…

… How to really play hammer-ons.

… How to really play pull-offs.

… The 2 main rhythms needed.

… 1 fingerpicking piece as an application.

You can download the tabs by clicking here (search for ‘HG21 – Hammer-Ons & Pull-Offs in Fingerpicking’).

Download it. Print it. Use it.

In this video, you can listen to the exercise, you can watch me play it, and I’ll teach you through it:

And here is everything else you need to know. Enjoy!

📈 Difficulty

3/10 (This gives you a rough idea of how difficult it is. If you feel it’s actually easier, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

⏰ Time Estimation

1 Week (This is a rough estimation that can vary widely. If you’re faster, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

💪 Action Steps

  1. Get comfortable playing hammer-ons while holding C (as demonstrated in the video).

  2. Get comfortable playing pull-offs while holding C (as demonstrated in the video).

  3. Practice bars 1-4 of the application.

  4. Practice bars 5-8 of the application.

  5. Practice bars 9-12 of the application.

  6. Practice bars 13-16 of the application.

  7. Put everything together and play the entire piece.

✏️ Extra Tips

  • Have your left-hand fingernails short. Long fingernails push your fingers away from the fretboard. You can’t arch them as much as needed here.

  • When doing hammer-ons, once your finger hits the string, don’t press it down more than you normally would. It sounds better and is more efficient.

  • When doing pull-offs, pull at the string a little and then let it roll off your fingertip. Just going straight away from the fretboard won’t give you any sound. It’s a curved motion.

🎯 Encouragement

These 2 techniques make the guitar sound like we all love it. Hammer-ons and pull-offs in combination with fingerpicking are an extra challenge (as you usually need to keep holding down a chord). You got this! The reward at the end of this is big.

Talk soon,

Florian from Hi Guitar

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Who Is This Guy?

Just an earthling obsessed with guitar since 2004, with a bag full of teaching experience since 2007, and 2 degrees in music & music education in my pocket.

I’m the guy they come to when they…

… Want to get from beginner to intermediate, but they don’t know how.

… Watch tutorial after tutorial, try course after course, buy guitar after guitar, but they don’t get better.

… Feel they’ve wasted enough time trying to figure it out by themselves.

Since 2007, I’ve guided guitarists from beginner to intermediate giving them just the right know-how without burying their creativity.

Still loving it!

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