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August 17, 2024

Florian Kockott

HG24: Learn This Next to Get Unstuck (For Beginners)

Here, you’ll learn a combination of…

… 6th intervals (which sound awesome on their own).

… And the open G string (which ties everything nicely together.

The best part: This is so easy to play that it could be the first thing to learn on guitar. Enjoy!

This beginner lesson features…

… 6th intervals on strings D & B (+ the open G string).

… 3 quick applications.

You can download the tabs by clicking here (search for ‘HG24 – Learn This Next to Get Unstuck (For Beginners)’).

Download it. Print it. Use it.

In this video, you can listen to it, you can watch me play it, and I’ll teach you through it:

And here is everything else you need to know. Enjoy!

📈 Difficulty

2/10 (This gives you a rough idea of how difficult it is. If you feel it’s actually easier, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

⏰ Time Estimation

3 Days (This is a rough estimation that can vary widely. If you’re faster, great. If not, don’t feel bad.)

💪 Action Steps

  1. Get comfortable playing 6th intervals + the open G string in C major.

  2. Play all quick applications (see free tabs) to get an idea what you can do with them.

  3. Experiment yourself (different rhythms, dynamics, picking patterns, …)

  4. Get comfortable playing 6th intervals + the open G string in C minor.

  5. Experiment going back and forth between the key of C major and the key of C minor.

✏️ Extra Tips

  • Mind the left-hand fingering you’ll find in the tabs. Not using the pinky is the easiest. However, if it feels good, go for it. The more options you have, the more flexible your guitar playing can be.

  • Make sure the G string can ring freely throughout (without the finger above blocking it). It’s important.

  • If you can’t reach beyond fret 12, don’t worry. It’s not necessary to make nice music.

🎯 Encouragement

These 6th intervals are easy to play and offer a huge return on your effort. Memorize the positions first, but then quickly start making music. They sound lovely!

Talk soon,

Florian from Hi Guitar

Book One-On-One Guitar Lessons

Who Is This Guy?

Just an earthling obsessed with guitar since 2004, with a bag full of teaching experience since 2007, and 2 degrees in music & music education in my pocket.

I’m the guy they come to when they…

… Want to get from beginner to intermediate, but they don’t know how.

… Watch tutorial after tutorial, try course after course, buy guitar after guitar, but they don’t get better.

… Feel they’ve wasted enough time trying to figure it out by themselves.

Since 2007, I’ve guided guitarists from beginner to intermediate giving them just the right know-how without burying their creativity.

Still loving it!

Here is how I can help (if you let me):

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Do you plan to hop around guitar tutorials forever? How about we get you from stuck at the beginning to having all skills needed to play guitar freely and creatively.